The Wallflower

The Wallflower

Monday, January 23, 2012


Life is an enigma.
 One that a person can never fully understand.
Every one’s life is a story by itself.
And the collection of every story ever told
Since the creation of Adam and Eve till now
Tells us God’s mighty works in the life of mankind
A few are privileged to come to understand their purpose in life
Often at the end of it
At the end of their journey
Those are the few who are privileged to live a full life.

A variety of adjectives have been used to describe life.
It’s said to be a struggle, a test, a maze and even likened to a game of chess.
However you describe it
Life is not simple
It doesn’t come with a manual
There are no principles to living
It’s about taking chances, opportunities and facing challenges.
To be able to fully achieve your purpose
Various ingredients come together to form the perfect blend
That makes a person’s life
And to everyone, the ingredient is different
Because every person is different

Life is scary sometimes
Because the future is unknown
And venturing into an unknown territory is always scary
But the willingness to take that step
To take that leap of faith
Knowing that with God leading the way,
Everything shall work out in your favour
Keeping that hope in you
Makes life truly worth living

So, whatever you may be going through
Don’t take life for granted.
You only have one life
And one chance to live every moment of it.
So live your life to please God and not man.
That is the secret to living a fulfilling life.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Art of LIfe

              What is art most people ask. I think art is life, for life in itself is an art. Art, as defined by Wikipedia, is 'the product or process of deliberately arranging items (often with symbolic significance) in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions, and intellect. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, photography, sculpture, and paintings. The meaning of art is explored in a branch of philosophy known as aesthetics, and even disciplines such as history and psychology analyze its relationship with humans and generations. Traditionally, the term art was used to refer to any skill or mastery. This conception changed during the Romantic period, when art came to be seen as "a special faculty of the human mind to be classified with religion and science".[1] Generally, art is made with the intention of stimulating thoughts and emotions.' Although the definition is a bit robust it doesn't fully make someone come to define art. Over the years several things have been classified as art in some form or the other. Whether it is a painting by Leonardo da Vinci or a symphony composed by Ludwig van Beethoven or even Heath Ledger's famous portrayal of the joker in The Dark Knight are all considered as art. It has become increasingly difficult to define what art is. It was first classified as pertaining to paintings and music, then to acting or stage/film productions, then to some forms of inventions and even various forms of writings such as William Shakespeare's stories. Now it is said to be a skill or the creativity of something.
             In my view art is life. I'm taking this viewpoint because as defined by Wikipedia art is something that pertains to our senses, emotions and intellect. Basically it is something that influences every aspect of our lives and consequently we ourselves. In one way or another everybody creates a form of art everyday. Something that is unique to them and no one else. A form of peculiarity that is bestowed upon them.
            Art and evidently beauty is all around us and within us. It is found in nature and within our environs. The beauty of art is one of the things that make life worthwhile. For observing nature or even sitting in a park and watching people run around, walk their dogs and have conversations with one another. There is a type of beauty illuminated by all those which can be overlooked as an everyday mindless activity. But even such a mindless activity can sooth a worried and disturbed soul.
            As you find yourself in the art and beauty of God just take time to briefly observe the silent art that others create everyday, and the midst of all the troubles and turmoils you will find peace in bathing yourself in God's beauty.

 I love this picture because it shows how a single moment in time can be captured and viewed as art. Confirming that at every moment there is an ongoing form of art in every person's life.

Credit: Wikipedia, Picassa Web Albums