The Wallflower

The Wallflower

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Our best friend and deadliest foe.
An entity that exists forever without any consequence.
The only evidence that something ever truly existed.
The saying goes,
That time is on our side.
But time is on its own side.
Not respecting any laws except it's own.
It ages us,
Gives us new life and experiences.
And doesn't stop to mourn,
When our existence is cut short.
It goes on
Unaffected by all the events through history
And the lives it touches daily.
So utilize every chance you have with time.
Because though it may not remember you,
Others in your life will.
So make a difference in a person's life.
Affect it in a good way.
Cos human connection,
And the feeling of belonging and being wanted,
Is what keeps us human and sane. 
As time passes in our lives.

Picture taken by me

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Looking Down to the Future

_DSC0840 by DextDeeDespite the odd title of this article this is an important analogy of life.

This analogy can be likened to the growth and life cycle of trees. When a seed is planted, it doesn't immediately sprout from the ground. It starts out by first growing its roots, and making sure the roots are firmly rooted in the soil. It ensures that these roots are able to reach the vital nutrients it will need for its growth throughout its life. Vital nutrients like water and minerals. As such, the process of the seeds growing roots can take a long time, even years, because finding a good source of nutrients is very crucial in any life cycle process. After the roots have grown to great lengths and an adequate amount of water and nutrients are found, the seed now sets about to germinate i.e. grow in height. That is the stage where it starts to grow out of the soil, and its stem and leaves can be seen. This stage, unlike the growth of its roots, occurs quickly.

    An important life lesson can be learnt in this. A lesson in  life, career path or in anything a person decides to do.
A person's decisions in life can be likened to the seeds that are planted. These seeds are watered by a person's decisions, external influence, advice of people and life lessons. As such, these determine the direction of one's growth in life. Thus your life can be stagnant, stunted or healthy, depending on how you water your seed.
_DSC2889 by DextDeeStrong, tall and fruitful trees take years to firmly establish their roots before beginning to sprout. They don't compete and go along with the timetable of other trees around them. They are independent and ensure they are rooted firmly, before allowing themselves to be noticed from the ground.
Our roots are our values. How a person nurtures those values and allows it to mold them, will determine the type of tree they become.

There is no rush in life. Great things take time to develop and grow. As is portrayed by plant life. With this, nature teaches us an important lesson. That patience truly is a virtue.

Photocredit: DextDee Photography (